It is currently Thursday evening; my last day of real work ended at 5pm MST (technically still employed but usin up every last little bit of PTO). We begin our travels next Friday when we spend the night at the airport, another overnight in New York on Saturday, then grabbing an evening flight to Paris on Sunday to arrive Monday morning!

Packing is going well, but we still have a ton to get done in the next week… like the minor task of selling my car. The vast majority of the trip logistics are being deftly handled by my wonderful companion, for whom I am immensley grateful. Thank ya lady, you’re p great.

This is hopefully the start of something pretty fun - be sure to check back for tweaks to the look/feel/functionality of this space :) I will be doing my very best to post on a regular basis including muchos muchos pictures.

A few cat pics seem like the best way of getting started. Here are our goofballs from earlier this afternoon: cat1

And a few others from the recent past: Missy V (Miss Vivian) cat2

And JimJam (Jamal) cat3

They love a good snuggle cat4

Anywho, this is a new technology for me, but I’m feeling incredibly optimistic about it! Shout out to my good bud Myles for pointing me in this direction (and away from the disaster that is WordPress). Away we go!