Our airbnb didn’t have internet, but mobile data worked just fine for the most part - even streaming a couple of shows at night. At this point though we did need to chew up some bandwidth beyond what would be reasonable for our mobile data limits, so we opted to make a day out of finding some wifi.

I realize there are many ways of finding free internet a la cafes and the like, but we were determined to track down one of the official government hosted free wifi zones that apparently are plentiful in parks, museums, libararies, etc. We had no luck in the couple of parks we had explored already, but google (which never lies) indicated that the Louvre was one of the spots.

And so we packed up our devices and off we went, combining my first up close view of the Louvre with a hunt for free wifi.

Lots of feelings were had crossing the bridge, entering through those gigantic archways, seeing the pyramid for the first time. Apart from the “is this real life???” christmas morning style wide eyes and grins, the one thing that stands out is the sheer size of the place. It’s just so. big. Getting to go back and explore the heck out of it is pretty dang high on my list of things I’m looking forward to. louvregate (reminder - click any picture for the full resolution version) louvre-pyramid


After oggling the main entrance, we mosied over to the park. This poor lady had a bird on her head. birdlady

A view back towards the Louvre view-towards-louvre

And on the opposite side of the park, Place de la Concorde place-de-la-concorde

Just a few steps away from the above view, a striking sculpture installation: hands1 hands2

A link to more pictures

Another view of Place de la Concorde (love the birds on the statues) place-de-la-concorde2

We never did find wifi in the park, so we ended up at a starbucks… Icing on the cake: K’s big project for the day was to reimage her laptop. After an hour of downloading the necessary install files, it wouldn’t go further without being plugged in which we (of course) left at home :)

That’s all for today - I’ll leave you with some more cool pixel art.

princess leia

Au revoir!