Both exhausted, we took advantage of a gloomy, rainy Saturday to recover from our adventures the day before. Date night sunset did not disappoint!


Sunday, however, was absolutely beautiful! We packed up a picnic and headed back over to the Luxembourg Gardens. K crafted some (absolutely incredible) cucumber sandwiches, tomatoes dressed with olive oil and balsamic, berries, and our first legit Champagne of the trip!

champagne picnic

There are only a few stretches of lawn where you’re actually allowed to walk or sit on the grass (in this park at least); when we arrived it was apparent that our idea of a great Sunday afternoon was not unique – the place was jam packed. We relaxed, snacked, read, and people watched, then snagged some chairs near the main fountain to do some more of the same. There was a stall renting out little sailboats, each marked with country abbreviations, colors, and even adorned with a little flag. Kids were swarming the edge of the fountain with rubber tipped sticks, used to push their boats back across the vast ocean… only to run all the way around to do it over again. I could see kid me having the same blast of a time, so it was fun to watch the shenanigans.

luxembourg sailboats

Some ducks in the Medici Fountain

medici ducks

Getting hungry, we timed our departure for the opening of a nearby Indian food restaurant to order some take away. We took the long way around and happened on a little ice cream cart where we treated ourselves to some tasty (and very strong) coffee flavored scoops in a cone. Indian food-wise, K went for her classic chicken tikka masala and I went the (super) safe route of butter chicken. It wasn’t mind boggling amazing, but it still hit the spot we were looking to scratch.

The kitties were happy to have us home –


JimJam was being particularly photogenic.


The moon was also very full!


Finished watching: Uncoupled (love NPH)

Started: Rings of Power (but put on hold cause not worth watching low res on a tiny screen)