I awoke to this fearsome creature in our bed - behold!!!


The bird treats K ordered arrived, so we were due for another trip down to Round Pond. On our way we made a new friend:


K was distraught that she only had food for birds . . . I foresee another trip to the store in the very near future. :)

Feeding the birds around the pond was great! K ordered both a standard bird seed as well as some pellets, or “floaters”, which the ducks were huge fans of. I handfed a few to the ducks but very quickly got overwhelmed by posturing swans. Meanwhile, the fearless, self-proclaimed “Queen of Crows” got pummeled by pigeons:

comehereoften pidge

The photo is a little washed out, but these Graylag Geese are my favorite at the moment.


Out of bird treats, we decided on a new path out of the park to first drop by a few new spots. First up was a statue of Peter Pan, complete with a fun interactive element where you could scan a QR code and have a play telephone call with Mr. Pan himself. Some fun trivia from wikipedia:

“Barrie had the original bronze erected in Kensington Gardens on 30 April 1912, without fanfare and without permission, so that it might appear to children that the fairies had put it in place overnight.”

peter2 peter1

Next up was the wildly beautiful and perfect sunset spot: the Italian Gardens. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

vic1 vic2 vic3

Our final stop was to grab a few odds and ends at the good old grocery, where I found just the funniest looking bananas!


har har har. Thanks for reading!

P.S. While I debated on whether to keep the title as the incorrectly spelled and very meme-y, “birb”, I ran across this pretty funny and /very/ official guide from the audubon society. You won’t learn anything of much consequence, but it gave me a chuckle and there are cute bird pictures to boot.