We woke up bright and early this morning to get MV and JimJams their EU pet passports. Exciting!!

The vet clinic was a tiny place which had an unusual layout - we were buzzed into a waiting room where a desk on one side blocked the route further into building. On the other, a big glass door allowed entry to a single examination room. From there you could see a small courtyard leading to a lab or storage area which had a few free roaming cats (who were very interested in getting into the office).

Our appointment took quite a while but otherwise went swimmingly. The vet was just so incredibly nice - helping us with how to get the cats microchips registered in France and providing insight into how that works in the other countries ( we gotta register in basically every country - yay ). They filled out the registration paperwork for us, even allowing us to use their address for the return documentation. All that was left for us was to get a hold of two cashiers checks for the registration fee and send it off!

Or so we thought… turns out checks are treated very differently here - K asked 3 or 4 different banks and got turned away each time. Apparently you must have a French bank account to get a French check issued; cashiers checks just aren’t a thing??? We ended up just putting cash in the envelope and are hoping for the best!

Our sleepy babies got their EU Pet Passports! vet kitties (New feature: click for full resolution!!)

This is from later on in the trip, but too good to not put here… mv passport

After our appointment we were supposed to go back to the Jardin des Plantes so the kitties could “hunt” some birds, but I was feeling pretty pooped after a bad night of sleep along with some indigestion from my antibiotics.

We did venture back out in the afternoon however, dipping in to the Luxembourg Gardens before doing a big loop through the latin quarter. We were trying to find a relatively inexpensive prix fixe dinner where we could sit outside. After being turned away from a pretty touristy looking spot despite multiple open tables outside (your loss buddy!!), we wandered over to a place recommended by our host and got there at the perfect time. It was relatively empty when we arrived but was absolutely jam packed by the time we left.

The meal was a little expensive for the cuts of meat we both got, but it was still an absolutely lovely first dinner out (and hey, the wine was delicious!). We started with some delightful escargot in parsely butter with some fresh bread to soak up all the goodness. I ordered the “crispy lamb”, which turned out to be a big piece of lamb wrapped in puff pastry - a fun idea but the pastry disintegrated pretty quickly. It did come with a side of roasted zuchini though which was very tasty. K ordered some (very chewy) steak and a side of aligot - cheesey mashed potatoes. They made quite the spectacle of serving the aligot, bringing out a whole pan of the stuff and doing an almost reverse deep dish cheese pull to pour it onto her plate. It wasn’t quite this extra, but to give you an idea of what that might look like : youtube.com/watch?v=yUlpuM0ZZRo

I’ll close with a few things we stumbled upon while walking around:

Some nifty pixel street art daffyduck

Fontaine Saint-Michel Saint-Michel statue

And that was our day, thanks for reading!

Au revoir for now :)