This will be a short one compared to the last two weeks of running around. I feel like I’m on the cusp of bronchitis with some gnarly headaches, perhaps a byproduct of all the recent socializing. Besides the occasional grocery run for necessities, I was mostly just hanging out with these cuties.

sleepymv jj-tuck kitty-yang

Luckily I was feeling well enough in time for the World Cup final. We headed out a few hours early to try and find a good spot, but everything was already super packed. Thankfully we were able to nab a few of the last seats in a pizza restaurant where people were already packed in like sardines.

Our view from the back.


The menu featured some pretty enternaining names.


And a clip from the penalty kicks :
(volume warning)

Unfortunately, France didn’t pull off the win; the walk home was unnervingly quiet. I expected at least some frustrated yells, but everyone was just quietly trudging their way through the somber drizzly night.

The next day I took a nice walk past the local fire station . . .


And picked up some tasty treats.

pastryhaul1 pastryhaul2

Miss Vivian was a big fan of the baguette 🙄


K recently acquiesced to a last minute overnight trip to Strasbourg to satisfy my unending thirst for Christmas Markets. While scrambling to do some last minute laundry, the latch to the washing machine broke! Our hosts were kind enough to quickly send for a repair guy who got us fixed up the same day. I was particularly “mad” as I was trying to do the exact same fix but just didn’t have the right angle and/or was not applying enough pressure. In anycase, this will be our makeshift landry latch for the rest of our stay:


Keep your eye out for the next monster post from Strasbourg!

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