Blag updates:

2022-12-01 - starting with the puppy yoga post (2022-10-01), we now have gifs AND embedded videos! praise praise! This also marks the swap to weekly posts in an attempt to make up the 2month gap.

2022-10-17 - subscribe page is live!

2022-10-13 - new domain acquired and dns configured; email notification system nearly done. new iteration of markdown generator script to make use of references. not at all necessary, but slightly cleaner.

2022-09-27 - a 40 image post without populated alt text was still a bit of a manual slog. New workflow has alt text added to filenames and parsed out during markdown generation script.

2022-09-26 - K is kind enough to offer proofreading/editorial help; new QC workflow established for posts which should make things look more polished. This started with the post on 2022-09-11 and will be used moving forward ( as well as retroactively reviewing existing posts once I get around to cleaning them up ).

Big productivity gains related to generating the markdown for images. Scripted up a simple infinite bash loop to read in the alt text / resized image link / original size image link, which then spit the final markdown version out to paste into the post. While it still required a fair amount of clicking around, it was still leaps and bounds better than the original workflow. Using this for the 9/11 post and looking over the output, I realized I incorrectly assumed that the base URL for each link was unique. This led to an even better loop which can piggy back on the resizer script, generating the markdown for an entire post directory of images automagically. (The alt text still needs to be manually populated, but I’m not too worried about that at the moment).

Also realized directory listing is enabled for my cloud cloud storage solution, which is not the most desirable. Resolved by throwing up a blank index.html file in each folder.

2022-09-20 - the markdown format for resized images which link to the original res versions has been established; today I created a script to resize all images in a particular post directory. This workflow allows me to stage files locally for a particular post, create resized versions of the images, then upload them to my cloud storage solution where they can be linked from.